Ultimate Solutions and the International Expertise House for Administrative Development (IEHAD) signed a cooperation agreement to exchange expertise, coordinate the provision of their services through joint ventures in the business community, and fulfill commitments by constant administrative communication.
Ultimate Solutions is specialized in developing systems for the planning and management of enterprise resources in different sectors. IEHAD is specialized in management counselling, quality, and has expertise in career development, budgeting, and organizations structures. According to the agreement, Ultimate Solutions provides its systems to IEHAD and trains consultants and experts to be able to use these systems.
The agreement was signed, early August, 2015 in Jeddah, by Eng. Ali Al-Yousofy, Director General of Ultimate Solutions, and Dr. Ihab Abu Rukba, CEO of IEHAD, in a wonderful manifestation of two Saudi corporations that positively organize their achievements for the best interest of business community.