Transportation Mobile :-


Transportation Mobile



Transport Mobile Application is communication link between

passengers and land transport companies for marketing their

trips and spread their information to their clients to facilitate

their booking.


Targeted Users:

Land Transport Services Companies, using our software (Land

Transport Transactions Management Software).


Utilization Technique:

• Compatible with Android operating system only.
• To add special settings in Land Transport Transactions Management

Software server for utilizing the application in their corporate identity

with their clients.
• Download the application from mobile Apps Store.
• To be used online and linked with Transport Transactions Management

Software in the company for updated data.


Key Functions:

1. Display the routes and crossing-points of the approved trip in Transport

Companies trips.
2. Check trips time, day, date and available seats.
3. Know the place of trip start, crossing-points and final destination.


Key Features:

1. Show the user identity: company name, logo and other data.
2. Provide trips data via available trips schedules or by customized searching.
3. The application links with Transport Transactions Management Software

in the company to provide accurate data whenever the user needs.